It's late at night, and the shadow of the moon stretches across the ground.I feel like I'm being followed by another shadow, one that doesn't belong to me.I quicken my pace, but the shadow keeps up with me, never straying too far behind.I can't shake t
Otra Sombra - Una de las casas fue maldita hace mucho tiempo, pero como la maldición no fue válida durante un tiempo, nada extraño sucedió en su interior. Los propietarios decidieron vender la casa, fue comprada y habitada por Bastian y Carissa, por supuesto, sin sospechar nada. En un día pacífico, el protagonista cae en la trampa de la oscuridad, entrando en un mundo completamente diferente, y ahora su regreso depende enteramente de las acciones de Carissa. Ayuda a la chica a encontrar pistas ocultas y consejos necesarios, vagando por las habitaciones de la casa para entender la historia con más detalle.
Descargar juegoIt's late at night, and the shadow of the moon stretches across the ground.I feel like I'm being followed by another shadow, one that doesn't belong to me.I quicken my pace, but the shadow keeps up with me, never straying too far behind.I can't shake t
Similar en It's late at night, and the shadow of the moon stretches across the ground.I feel like I'm being followed by another shadow, one that doesn't belong to me.I quicken my pace, but the shadow keeps up with me, never straying too far behind.I can't shake t
Comentarios a It's late at night, and the shadow of the moon stretches across the ground.I feel like I'm being followed by another shadow, one that doesn't belong to me.I quicken my pace, but the shadow keeps up with me, never straying too far behind.I can't shake t en Android
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Comentarios a It's late at night, and the shadow of the moon stretches across the ground.I feel like I'm being followed by another shadow, one that doesn't belong to me.I quicken my pace, but the shadow keeps up with me, never straying too far behind.I can't shake t en Android
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